
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

some things are meant to be :)

okey,moment of clarity,somtimes somethings don't turnout exactly how you want them to be and maybe we have to let go of yesterday so that we can see tomorrow but what happens when your present is not what you envisioned, and when you miss home,your mum's voice is the only thing that keeps you from losing grip of reality,you want to open up to your friends but thats too much of a risk so everything is just a thought in your head and your dreams are the only things that keep you striving for more, but what happens when you get there.if you had to do it again,would you risk it all? would you kiss you mother goodbye and tell daddy you have to leave?because lose is pain and standing on the other side of that plane i understood that i might never see you again.but thats just how i felt and at that moment i understood how it felt to lose a friend to distance and i think i saw the pain my mum felt when she said goodbye to me and everytime i talk to her and she says everything is ok and i feel like saying,"mum,please don't lie to me" and maybe she is worried that she might never see me again.she was always used to having me around,i understand that she just wants to see me safe, but some journeys we must take alone and pray we make it home because when it's all over thats the only place we belong,as we hope to find someone to spend forever with,thats a search thats right beside our dreams,we never think about it because it doesn't feel important but as you get older your mind state changes and you think differently, maybe thats how some things are meant to be :)


  1. theres nthng meant to be in this world , we make'em happen , dude remember end of 500 days of summer ?? :D
    we all have a motivation to keep us going further and further and nt thinking of that pain , pain of losing . . . thnk of what made u leave and go to malaysia .
    cheers dude , hope to c u soon smwhere awesome on planet earth

  2. JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or Tanzania LOL!! :),Definitely dude!
